Acupuncture originated in China as part of the integrated healthcare system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which dates back over 5000 years. There are many ways to understand acupuncture from a biomedical perspective, however in Chinese Medicine the body is understood in an entirely different way.
One principal objective of acupuncture is to promote the free flow of Blood (Xue), which contains energy (Qi), hence promoting a free flow, and removing blockages or stagnation. When there is free flow, your body is better equipped to do what it has to do to heal itself.
Acupuncture points (Acupoints) are found along pathways known as meridians or channels, through which the Energy (Qi) circulates. Stimulation of these points with the insertion of very fine, sterile needles helps activate the energy in the meridians to remove blockages and re-establish free flow.
Stimulation of Acupoints also helps to activate blood flow to affected areas, either directly (using Acupoints close to the affected area) or indirectly (using points on hands, arms, legs or feet for a problem in the abdomen or back for instance). When Blood flow is promoted, better healing can occur.
Acupuncture can be used as a stand-alone treatment, although it’s often used in conjunction with mainstream medical treatments. Your acupuncturist is equipped with the resources to assess any symptoms that require western medical intervention, and may refer you to your GP when appropriate.
There is much recent research supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture for certain conditions. The most comprehensive comparative review (means a review of other studies/research projects) of acupuncture for specific conditions was conducted in Australia, called the ‘Acupuncturist Evidence Project’. Click here to download pdf (900Kb).
The Acupuncture Evidence Project found acupuncture to have a “positive effect” in:
What this means is that in a research setting, where participants are treated with the same treatment protocol as much as possible, (one of the ways to reduce bias), that acupuncture is shown to have a positive effect in treatment of the above conditions. Research shows that the effect is not just due to a placebo.
If you suffer with Migraine, Headache, Chronic low back pain, Allergic rhinitis, Knee osteoarthritis, or are in pain there is good evidence to support the use of acupuncture for these conditions.
Please note: Although we have received many glowing testimonials for our amazing Acupuncturist, regulations of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) prohibit the publishing of testimonials for Acupuncturists.
Randa Majrouh
B.Sc. Comp. Med. , ND. Naturopath. Member of the Australian Natural Therapy Association (ANTA) and a registered Practitioner of AHPRA.
About Randa
With her great interest and extensive background is in natural fertility & IVF support, Randa has a solid knowledge in many aspects of alternative therapies which has helped many couples to achieve their dreams of having a family.
Randa works together with her clients to prepare them for their fertility journey, assisting them in eliminating causes of infertility or other health issues and supporting them during their pregnancy physically and emotionally. In Addition, she has great success in Postnatal Healthcare, breast feeding and milk production support.
As a member of, Australian Natural Therapy Association (ANTA) and a registered Practitioner of AHPRA, Randa is also quite passionate and experienced in assisting patients with Stress Management, Anxiety, Insomnia and Pain Management.
Randa specialises in the following