We are continuously bombarded with information on the health risks associated with carrying excess body weight and given numerous ‘tips’ on how to lose those extra unwanted kilos. Whether we like it or not, there is no quick fix to achieve sustained weight loss and there are often underlying reasons as to why the body doesn’t want to shift the excess weight.
The problem is that trying to sort through all of the information out there can leave your head spinning, grasping at every weight loss tip! Just because one way of eating or exercising worked for one person, this doesn't mean that it will work for you. In the case of weight loss resistance, you will need to resolve the deep-down reasons as to why YOUR body doesn't want to shift the weight.
There are quite a few common explanations as to why this is happening. These include a cortisol (primary stress hormone) imbalance, high insulin levels, thyroid issues, sex hormone imbalances, inflammations food reactions, gut infections toxicity, nutrient deficiencies and food intake.
Sometimes the correction of weight loss resistance really doesn’t need to be that complicated. It's about finding the right support from a practitioner that understands it and can see things from multiple angles.
Lesley Oakes
About Lesley
Lesley is a Naturopath and board certified Anti-Ageing Health Practitioner with the Australian Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine. Lesley is also Australia’s first Naturopath to achieve board certification from the American Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine, is a Fellow of the Australian Natural Therapists Association and a qualified Thyroflex Technician and a certified HTMA (Clinical Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) interpreter.
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