If you have experienced migraines before you’ll know they can be extremely disruptive and stop you from being able to do your everyday things. In this article I aim to help you understand what some of the triggers could be for your migraines and what you can do to reduce the impact migraines are having on your quality of life.
Unnatural Migraines can happen with an aura, a blinding or blurred aura of visual disturbance that is the first sign of head pain and sometimes muscle weakness, nausea, loss of appetite and increased sensitivity to light and sound. Some people experience migraines with no head pain but all the other symptoms associated with an aura migraine.
Migraines without an aura cause moderate to severe pulsating pain in the head and usually come on without warning. They can also be associated with blurred vision, fatigue, nausea and other physical symptoms.
If you’re getting regular migraines that occur at least 15 days per month for three months months or more, this would be considered chronic and certainly worth seeing a practitioner to investigate possible causes.
Most people might think that migraines are just a severe headache but this isn’t the case.
Migraines are a neurological ‘event’ that involves the nerves and chemicals in the brain and symptoms usually include nausea, visual disturbances, dizziness, fatigue, and, even though headaches can be one of the symptoms of migraines, they can also occur without a headache!
There Migraines can be triggered by a number of things, both in the external environment and internal environment, that trigger a cascade of events in the brain to cause migraine symptoms. Some of the more common migraine headache triggers include:
Most people might think that migraines are just a severe headache but this isn’t the case.
Migraines are a neurological ‘event’ that involves the nerves and chemicals in the brain and symptoms usually include nausea, visual disturbances, dizziness, fatigue, and, even though headaches can be one of the symptoms of migraines, they can also occur without a headache!
Stress is one of the most common factors I notice when supporting patients with chronic or frequent migraines. Although there are often a multitude of other factors, stress is one that most people are facing. So taking an honest look at your life and the things that could be causing stress is the first thing I’d suggest. Remembering that often people have been dealing with stress for so long that it becomes ‘normal’, and so easy to overlook.
Some other steps you can take to reduce the potential of migraines being triggered are:
Some migraines are triggered by things in the environment, like bright lights or computer screens. Try reducing the brightness of your screen and take regular breaks for fresh air and exercise. If you work in an office or workplace with bright lights or loud noises, think about how you may be able to modify your workspace, or consider wearing glasses or ear plugs.
If you’re experiencing regular migraines, and none of the typical solutions are working for you, there may be a complex number of factors contributing to your symptoms, and this is what I can help you with!
As a Naturopath, I’ll take a thorough, holistic look at what the potential causes might be for you, including testing for hormonal imbalances, allergies, and pathogens. Once we have a clearer picture of what’s triggering your migraines, treatments might include personalised herbal medicines or nutritional supplements, and some changes to your diet or lifestyle.
Sam Botica
ND, Dip.Hom, Dip.App.Sc.(Nat), Grad.Dip.Acup, Dip.RM
Sam Botica is a highly experienced Naturopath supporting patients with mental health, stress anxiety and gut issues. With over 20 years of clinical experience, using scientifically proven protocols, natural medicines and a passion for empowering you to heal and feel your best, Sam is a wonderful practitioner who will help you find practical and effective solutions to your health concerns.