In this modern age of technology, there's an app for almost everything, including fertility tracking. Fertility apps have become very popular as a convenient way to predict ovulation, however I strongly believe that only relying on these apps to track ovulation is not the best approach when trying to conceive.
Fertility apps primarily track the menstrual cycle and use historical data to estimate future ovulation dates. However, not all women have regular menstrual cycles, making predictions less reliable for them, and the apps do not always take into account the number of factors that uniquely influence each woman’s ovulation. A sudden change in stress levels, illness, hormonal imbalances, certain medications or substance use are just some things that can affect cycle length and ovulation timing, leading to inaccuracies in app predictions.
When trying to fall pregnant, women who are relying on apps to know when they are most fertile, may actually miss some of the signs that their body is at the optimal time to conceive. m I notice some women are quite disconnected from their bodies' natural rhythms, cues and intuition, and have a lot of reliance on apps or ovulation tests. Ovulation tests are more accurate, and helpful in many cases, but again, if you know your body well, you can identify ovulation without the need for these apps or tests.
Menstrual cycles and ovulation are not only essential aspects of being a woman, but of a woman's health and wellbeing. Developing an understanding of your body’s cycles helps create a deeper connection with the body.
Women can learn to identify various signs of ovulation and by doing this, they can gain a more accurate understanding of their fertility window:
Cervical Mucus Changes
The appearance and consistency of cervical mucus change throughout the menstrual cycle. Egg-white-like cervical mucus is a sign of fertility.
The position of the cervix
The cervix moves and changes position during the cycle, becoming softer and higher during ovulation.
Libido increase
Naturally, when women are most fertile, they will be more interested in sex.
Mood changes
Generally during the ovulatory period, women feel more energetic, more open and social, and often experience a bright and happy mood, compared to the luteal phase and the days before menstruation.
Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
Some women measure their temperature each morning and may notice a slight rise in BBT after ovulation can indicate the release of an egg.
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Surge
This is not something you will notice but LH levels surge just before ovulation and this is what ovulation predictor tests are detecting to determine ovulation.
Whether using fertility apps or ovulation tests, by also learning to identify the body’s signs of ovulation, women are more empowered to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, birth and throughout motherhood. Developing this body awareness can lead to improved overall health and well-being.
If you’ve been trying to conceive for more than six months without success, it's a good idea to come in and discuss the diet or lifestyle factors that may be impacting your fertility and look at some natural herbal medicines or supplements that may assist to enhance your fertility. In these initial consultations we look at both the male and female’s health and lifestyle as of course, as they say, it takes two to tango!
Known for her professionalism, dedication and caring nature, Randa has been providing high quality professional support, over the last 15 years for people dealing with all kinds of health concerns. In her practice, she utilises her extensive experience in Acupuncture, Western Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy to achieve optimum outcomes for people wanting to boost their enegy levels.
Randa Majrouh
B.Sc. Comp. Med. , ND. Naturopath. Member of the Australian Natural Therapy Association (ANTA) and a registered Practitioner of AHPRA.
Booking an appointment with Randa is the first step in working towards your goal of achieving higher energy levels. Her holistic approach is not only targeted at boosting your energy levels, but improving your overall health to better enable you to cope with all that life throws at you.