The Those butterflies in your stomach, following your gut instinct and being sick with worry is not just in your head - it's in your gut too!
In recent years, evidence has emerged to show how the huge number of microbes inside your intestine – the gut microbiome – are linked to the development and progression of mental illness.
The bacteria, viruses and other microbes in the intestines is what makes up your gut microbiome, and all kinds of things can throw off the balance of healthy bacteria, leading to all kinds of problems. Many are commonly associated with IBS or other gut issues, but the gut microbiome affects more than just the gut.
We need the microbes in our gut to help us digest our food. As they metabolise and break down our foods, they produce metabolic compounds called metabolites, and it’s these compounds that can then interact with our enteric nervous system and our immune system.
The enteric nervous system is also known as the 'second brain' and when you see the number of nerves situated around the intestines, it’s not hard to imagine why. There are around 100 million nerves embedded in our gut tissue and these transmit messages to the brain (the one in our head).
Metabolites, produced by the gut microbiome, are communicating through the enteric nervous system to the brain and may also communicate with immune cells around our digestive system, which can trigger an immune response, or slip into the bloodstream potentially trigger inflammation, which is linked to depression and anxiety.
The interactions between our gut and our brain are complex and varied and will be unique to each individual. If you’re dealing with anxiety or depression, then using a range of assessment tools to look at the health of your gut microbiome could be the key that unlocks the door and leads you to optimal mental health.
Sam Botica
ND, Dip.Hom, Dip.App.Sc.(Nat), Grad.Dip.Acup, Dip.RM
Sam Botica is an experienced Naturopath with special interest in gastro-intestinal, mental health and immune/autoimmune conditions. Sam uses advanced pathology testing, including salivary hormone tests, iridology, hair mineral analysis, quantum analysis and traditional blood tests to assist in diagnosis. Sam treats patients with a holistic approach, incorporating herbal medicines and supplements as well as lifestyle modifications.
Make an appointment online or call our friendly team on 9328 9233 to find out when Sam is next available.